- Click “Sales” from the main menu.
- Click on “Refund Receipts”.
- Click on the required refund receipt that you wish to return its value to your client.
- Click on the “Add Payment” button at the top of the refund invoice display window.
- Enter the required details:
- Payment Method: Select the payment method to refund the amount to the client.
- Note: Payment methods can be modified through account settings. For more details, refer to the ‘Payment Options“ guide.
- Amount: Add the value of the amount to be refunded to the client.
- Note: The system automatically fills the ‘Amount’ field with the due value on the invoice itself, with the ability to modify it.
- Date: Set the payment transaction date.
- Payment Status: Choose one of the payment status options.
- Collected By: Specify the user responsible for the collection.
- Ref No: An identification number accompanying payment documents (such as checks).
- Payment Details: Any additional information related to the client’s payment method.
- Receipt Notes: Add notes about the payment transaction.
- Attachment: Ability to attach an image of a document related to the payment transaction.
- Treasury: Specify the treasury or bank account from which the amount will be disbursed to the client.
- Click on the ‘Add Payment’ button at the top of the page.