
Adding Attendance Flags

According to the recorded attendance of employees in the attendance logs, and based on their attendance timings in the specified shifts for each employee, deductions and earnings on the payroll are calculated. But how can you control the way attendance is calculated and the action resulting from it?

Attendance Flags are responsible for that. Through them, you can set a condition; if it is met, the employee is considered present or absent, rewarded or penalized.


Adding Attendance Flags

  1. From the main menu, click on “Attendance“.
  2. Click on “Settings“.
  3. Click on the card “Attendance Flags“.
  4. Click on the button “New Attendance Flags“.
  5. Enter the attendance flag details as follows:
    • Name: Enter the desired name for the attendance flag.
    • Color: Choose a color for the attendance flag from the available color set to distinguish it from other flags.
    • Description: Enter a description for the attendance flag as required.
    • Shifts: Select from the dropdown menu the shift that the attendance flag applies to.
    • Condition: Enter a condition for the attendance flag using the system variables. When met, the system will begin to calculate the formula’s value.
      • For example: Set the condition that actual working hours are greater than expected working hours, using the variables: {{$attendance_day.actual_working_hours}} > {{$attendance_day.expected_working_hours}}
    • Formula: Enter the formula’s value for the attendance flags. When the above condition is met, the system will calculate this specified value.
  6. Click on the “Save” button at the top right of the screen.
  • You can use these attendance flags later in “Salary Components” to determine the amount due or deducted from the employee’s salary. For more details, please refer to the Salary Components guide.