
Displaying Shifts Profit Report

Through the “Shifts Profit” report, you can display the net sales for each session plus the VAT that was added to it within the selected period when viewing the report.

Steps to view the Shifts Profit Report

  1. Click on “POS” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “POS”.
  3. From the “POS Reports” page, choose the “Shifts Profit” report.
  4. After displaying the report, you can apply several additional filters, which are:
    • POS Shift ID: Through this field, you can select sales sessions to display their sales based on the category.
    • POS Shift Device: Through this field, you can select the sales device to display its sales based on the category.
    • POS Shift: Through this field, you can select the shift or multiple shifts to display their sales based on the category.
    • From Date: Specify the start date of the period for which you want to view the report.
    • To Date: Specify the end date of the period for which you want to view the report.
    • Branch: Select the branch or multiple branches for which you want to view the report.
    • Group By: Choose whether to group by category or by branch.
    • Order By:  Select a method to order the data rows in the report.
      • There are several ordering methods available, such as ordering by code in ascending or descending order.
    • Currency: Select the currency in which you want to view the report.
  5. Once you have adjusted the filters, click on “Show Report”.
  6. You can print the report using the “Print” option or export it to a CSV, Excel, or PDF file from the export options.