
Routing the Cheques Account

Enerpize system allows you to choose between two types of check account directions, either Automatic Routing where all financial transactions are directed towards the “Payable Notes” account, which the system automatically creates, or Individual Assignment where you can direct each check transactions to a specific account.

Steps to route the Cheques Account

  1. Click on “Accounting” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Accounting Setting”.
  3. Click on the card titled “Accounts Routing”.
  4. Click on “Cheques” from the list on the left.
  5. Select the “Direction Type” specific to “Checks” and choose between:
    • Automatic Account Routing: The system automatically directs check accounts to “Payable Notes” in the case of paid checks and to “Receivable Notes” for received checks.
    • Specify per each: The system allows you to manually select the subsidiary account from the check issuance page. This means any transactions are directed to the selected subsidiary account instead of the default check account.
      • Note: You can choose a subsidiary account from the accounts available in the account tree or create a new subsidiary account within the tree according to your accounting system.
  6. Click the “Save” button.

After saving, ensure that you select the “Payable Notes” account when issuing a paid check or the “Receivable Notes” account when adding a received check so that the transaction is directed to the specified account.