Routing the Treasuries Accounts
Enerpize system allows you to choose between two types of directing financial treasury accounts, either automatic assignment where all financial transactions are directed towards the financial treasury account created by the system automatically, or specifying per each where you can direct transactions of each treasury separately to a dedicated account.
- Note: Before starting, make sure to activate the Accounting App in your account.
Steps to route the Treasuries Accounts
- Click on “Accounting” from the main menu.
- Click on “Accounting Settings”.
- Click on the card “Accounts Routing”.
- Click on “Treasury” from the menu on the left side.
- Select the “Routing Type” for “Treasuries” and choose from:
- Automatic Account Routing: The system automatically creates the financial treasury account in its designated place in the “Chart of Accounts”.
- Specify per each: The system allows you to specify the subsidiary account manually in the treasury addition/ editing screen, so any transactions are directed to the specified subsidiary account instead of the default treasury account. For more details, see the guide “Adding a Treasury/Bank Account”.
- Click on the “Save” button.
- Note: In case of choosing “Automatic Account Routing”; you can specify the “Account” to which the treasury accounts are automatically directed and change the system’s default choice.