
Viewing the Product/Service File

  1. Click on “Inventory” from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Products & Services”.
  3. Click on the desired product/service to view.
  4. The screen will display all the details about the product:
    • Product Control Tools: A set of actions and operations that can be applied to the product:
      • Edit: Modify the product file.
      • Delete: Remove the product from the account.
        • Note: The product cannot be deleted if there are any transactions for it in the stock.
      • Transfer Stock: Move a quantity of the product from one warehouse to another.
        • Note: This action only appears if there is more than one warehouse in the account. For more details, see the guide “Warehouse Management”.
      • Add Transaction: Manually add movement to the inventory, either by increasing or decreasing the product quantity.
      • Issue Transaction: Manually add an outbound requisition for the displayed product.
      • Voucher: View and print the product’s barcode label.
    • “Information” Tab: Displays basic product data such as (product image, selling price, purchase price, average cost, total quantity in warehouses).
    • “Stock Transactions” Tab: Shows issue and addition transaction for the product across all warehouses and the change in average cost.
    • “Timeline” Tab: Displays the activity logs of all actions and operations carried out on the product since its addition to the account.
    • “Tracking List” Tab: Appears if the product is tracked by serial number, lot number, or expiry date; displaying its specific tracking data.